Taipei Times: Artist Wu Chi-Tsung has been nominated for the Artes Mundi Prize, one of the world’s top art awards
Young Taiwanese artist Wu Chi-Tsung is one of eight short-listed artists for the Artes Mundi Prize (Arts of the World) awarded by the National Museum, Cardiff, UK, the largest international prize awarded to an individual artist. This is the second year for the prestigious award and the first time for a Taiwanese artist to be nominated. Wu, whose work is noteworthy for its exploration of imagery via video, photography and mechanical instal-lation, is currently exhibiting his art for the first time in the UK at the Artes Mundi exhibition that ends on May 7. The eight selected artists — from India, Finland, South America, Europe and Taiwan — are regarded as having made significant contributions to the world’s understanding about the human condition. The prize will be awarded to one of the selected artists on March 31.words by Susan Kendzulakresource: Taipei Times Artes Mundi 2 SelectorsDeepak Ananth, independent curator and lecturer in Art History at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Caen, FranceIvo Mesquita, Curator for Projeto Octógono, Pinacoteca do Estado, São Paulo, Brazil and Visting Professor, Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, New York, USA Artes Mundi 2 JudgesPaolo Colombo, Curator of MAXXI, Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo, Rome, ItalyThelma Golden, Deputy Director, Exhibitions and Programs, The Studio Museum, Harlem, USAGerardo Mosquera, independent curator and art critic, based in Havana, CubaJenni Spencer-Davies, Curator, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea, Wales Artes Mundi: http://www.artesmundi.org/en/exhibitions-prizes/artes-mundi-two 藝術家吳季璁於世界最受矚目的藝術獎之一「Artes Mundi世界藝術獎」獲得提名。